Jogos de Alienígenas - Alien Gatuno

Alien Game: Alien Thief

Jogo de Alienígena - Alien Gatuno - Você é um alienígena que invadiu o planeta Terra a bordo de sua espaçonave e agora deve raptar os animais terrestres para alimentar sua família alienígena. Rapte cães, gatos, vacas e pegue as estrelas para marcar pontos. A nave vai seguir a posição do mouse, clique e segure o mouse para levantar coisas. Pegar e soltar a vaca. Nossos bebês adoram leite! Jogue jogos grátis online com seus personagens favoritos de super-heróis alienígenas! é o melhor lugar para jogos de heróis alienígenas.

Alien Games - Alien Thief - You're an alien who invaded the Earth aboard their spaceship and must abduct land animals to feed his family alien. Kidnap dogs, cats, cows and grab the stars to score points. The ship will follow your mouse position, click and hold the mouse to lift things. Pick and drop the cow. Our babies like milk greatly! You've just invaded earth, and now it's your job to bring back some souvenirs! Fly your space ship through 20 levels, grabbing critters, stealing stars, and avoiding obstacles, like spikes, mines, and electric fields, to get your booty to the transport area. Use your strategy skills to win tokens and 10 medals when you play Alien Thief online today! Play free online games with your characters favorite alien superheroes! is the best place for heroes alien games.